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Cardus In An Australian Light

cardus in an australian light

Cardus is Back, Australia in His Sights!

Neville Cardus greatly admired Australia and Australians, but he sometimes flinched from a strain of brashness and philistinism (as he saw it) in this young and energetic nation.

All of this (including Australian reactions) the Cardus Archive seeks to capture in its latest study of the great Mancunian writer, 'Cardus in an Australian Light' by Bob Hilton & David Masey, the sixth in a body of studies celebrating his vibrant work in cricket, music, and memoir alike. Gideon Haigh, Australia's finest cricket writer, has kindly written a special foreword.

'Cardus in an Australian Light' spans nearly four decades, with a particular focus on the critical years of 1940 to 1947 when Cardus lived in Australia, wrote and broadcast extensively there, and stayed to cover the 1946-47 Ashes series in depth for the Sydney Morning Herald and Manchester Guardian.

But our time sequence stretches back a hundred years all the way to 1921 when Cardus plied his lively pen on his first Ashes series, evoking the shock and awe roused in England by the speed and aggression of Gregory and MacDonald. The story, with its rich context of characters and incident, continues with typical Cardusian colour.

Many years later Cardus reflected fondly on his wartime Australian sojourn. "If I were allowed to repeat two periods of my life, I would choose my first five years with the Manchester Guardian and every day of my seven years in Australia. Mind you, there were moments when I wanted to get away; just as there are moments when I want to get away from London. When I'm in Paradise, I'm sure I'll want a fortnight in Hell for a change. Australia and Australians were an inspiration to me ..."

Limited Edition of 250 numbered copies.
Softback Cover, 137 pages with illustrations.

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