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"It is the King Lear of Railroad, an epic route conceived in a fit of rage and driven recklessly across the kind of country that the S.A.S. might choose for endurance training."
The Settle Carlisle Railway described in the Observer article 'Britain by Stopping Train'.

I am not sure when I first fell in love with the Settle and Carlisle line. Maybe it was when I was twelve years-old, standing in the schoolyard at the Keighley Secondary Technical School watching the Thames Clyde Express speed past. I remember thinking that in a few hours it would be roaring over the Ribblehead Viaduct and plunging into the inky darkness of the Blea Moor Tunnel. Over the following years I spent many hours travelling the line and walking around Ingleborough and Whernside.

I have just completed 40 years in the Methodist Ministry and one of my hobbies has been writing Detective Fiction. My first book was called Saints & Sinners. Twelve stories about crime and the clergy.

The second, recently published, is called The Sermon That Led To Murder and is about confession.

The third novel, Murder on the Ribblehead Viaduct is set in the 1970's (when the line was double-track over the viaduct). Seven young friends embark on a special rail journey on the Settle & Carlisle Railway. One of them falls out of the carriage over the viaduct and is killed. It is thought to be an accident or suicide.

Ten years later a notebook written in code is discovered and it appears there may be reasons why murder is suspected. The crime story is set against the background of the railway and I have had help from many people in the FOS&C for advice and anecdotes. I hope the book is a tribute to the line and helps to publicise it.

Malcolm G. Lorimer

"I imagine that Lorimer is a very good preacher, because he knows his subject, human nature, and he has a knack for telling tales."
Church Times

Published on 25th September

Price £7.50 inc. postage (UK postal addresses* only)

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1. By post: Send a cheque for £7.50 made payable to Max Books to: Max Books, 19 Bromley Drive, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, CW4 7AX.

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Can a sermon ever lead to Murder?

Rev Charles Jowett preaches a very unusual sermon about confession which moves his congregation to tears and also for some to confess things in their lives which they had covered up and hidden.

A few weeks later the vicar is found dead in his garden, was it an accident or has someone a guilty secret they couldn't afford to be revealed?

A story about confession, the past and human failings and what they may lead to.

Also in the book : The Second Epistle.
The continuation of the first story about a cruise in Norway where events in the Second World War come to the surface and have deep repercussions.

This is the second detective novel written by retired Methodist Minister Rev Malcolm Lorimer.

Softback Cover.

Price £5.00 inc. postage (UK postal addresses* only) .


To order ONE copy of the book:
1. By post: Send a cheque for £5.00 made payable to Max Books to: Max Books, 19 Bromley Drive, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, CW4 7AX.

2. Online – click on the PayPal button and follow the online instructions.

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Saints and Sinners is a book of twelve stories linked by the themes of clergy and crime. Each is about a clergyman or woman and their involvement in crime, either as the perpetrator, victim or detective.

Some of the clergy are good, others weak and some evil and they are from different denominations: Anglican, Baptist, Methodist, with one story set in a monastic community.
The book explores questions about good and evil in the context of life and the Church. The stories are not linked together and all have separate characters. Not all are murders and in one no crime seems to have taken place!

In one of the stories the perfect hiding place for a dead body is discovered; another explores the life of someone who as a soldier commits murder and then becomes a monk. There is one set in rural Yorkshire and is told in a series of letters and one set at the time of the American Civil War.

A dead vicar is found in the library in one and there are very strange goings on at a Ministers barbeque in another. There is a very dubious Dean of a Cathedral and a curate who collects inheritances. A good clergyman is maligned and a Pastor's son is determined to tell the truth, whatever the cost.

Themes of the stories include murder, deception, lust, greed, envy, hate and witchcraft, the usual attributes found in the average church congregation!

Binding: Paperback
Size: 127mm x 198mm
Pages: 224

ISBN: 978-0-9562224-2-8
BINDING: Paperback COVER PRICE: £7.99*
SIZE: 127mm X 198 mm PAGES: 224

Published by: MAX BOOKS,

*Paperback edition is now sold out, but copies can be bought on Kindle or from Amazon:

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