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Murder On The Ribblehead Viaduct

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"It is the King Lear of Railroad, an epic route conceived in a fit of rage and driven recklessly across the kind of country that the S.A.S. might choose for endurance training."
The Settle Carlisle Railway described in the Observer article 'Britain by Stopping Train'.

I am not sure when I first fell in love with the Settle and Carlisle line. Maybe it was when I was twelve years-old, standing in the schoolyard at the Keighley Secondary Technical School watching the Thames Clyde Express speed past. I remember thinking that in a few hours it would be roaring over the Ribblehead Viaduct and plunging into the inky darkness of the Blea Moor Tunnel. Over the following years I spent many hours travelling the line and walking around Ingleborough and Whernside.

I have just completed 40 years in the Methodist Ministry and one of my hobbies has been writing Detective Fiction. My first book was called Saints & Sinners. Twelve stories about crime and the clergy.

The second, recently published, is called The Sermon That Led To Murder and is about confession.

The third novel, Murder on the Ribblehead Viaduct is set in the 1970's (when the line was double-track over the viaduct). Seven young friends embark on a special rail journey on the Settle & Carlisle Railway. One of them falls out of the carriage over the viaduct and is killed. It is thought to be an accident or suicide.

Ten years later a notebook written in code is discovered and it appears there may be reasons why murder is suspected. The crime story is set against the background of the railway and I have had help from many people in the FOS&C for advice and anecdotes. I hope the book is a tribute to the line and helps to publicise it.

Malcolm G. Lorimer

"I imagine that Lorimer is a very good preacher, because he knows his subject, human nature, and he has a knack for telling tales."
Church Times

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