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The Neville Cardus Lunch


The Eleventh Neville Cardus Lunch will take place at Emirates Old Trafford on Wednesday 9th April 2025 (12noon for 1pm).

For any enquiries regarding the lunch please contact Malcolm Lorimer at:

The Neville Cardus Lunch is an annual event designed to help keep alive the name of Sir Neville and his writings. It will also help to further promote the Archive which continues to develop strongly.

This year's Lunch will take place in the Lancaster Suite in the Pavilion. We are delighted to welcome renowned cricket writer Paul Edwards as our guest speaker – see further details below.

The lunch is £43 and open for anyone to book. Places are limited, so please book early. There will be a three-course meal plus coffee (please tell us if you would like a vegetarian option.)

We hope to have between 50-60 people, amongst them Patrons of the Archive, along with representatives of Lancashire CCC and the Hallé. There will inevitably be some informal reflections and reminiscences of Neville over the meal, as well as the opportunity to see some of our archival material and to contribute ideas for the Archive's further development.

We have already produced eight books from the Archive's now extensive resources, the latest of them A Bibliography of Sir Neville Cardus for the Years 1913-2023and A Little Book of Cardus Cartoons.

We do hope you will be able to join us on what should be another memorable occasion. A fantastic raffle has been organised which we hope you will support as it helps defray costs of the lunch.
Rev Malcolm G Lorimer & Bob Hilton

1. By post: Send a cheque for £43.00 made payable to Max Books to: Max Books, 19 Bromley Drive, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, CW4 7AX.

2. Online – click on the PayPal button and follow the online instructions.

1. By post: Send a cheque for £86.00 made payable to Max Books to: Max Books, 19 Bromley Drive, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, CW4 7AX.

2. Online – click on the PayPal button and follow the online instructions.

A reviewer of his book Summer Day's Promise in 2022 wrote;-

"Paul Edwards is a beautiful writer. He can express the moods and emotions of a day as well as anyone. And his love for the game – and those involved in it – pours off every page of this book. But because he has interests far beyond the boundary – in politics and people, in music and history – he is as likely to quote Mott the Hoople as Herman Melville; as likely to cite the repeal of the Corn Laws as regulations regarding Kolpak registrations. His work is all the richer and more satisfying for it. He knows that not everything that counts can be counted. He knows you can't define love or loyalty or a million things in between. So, he tells us how a day's play feels. He tells us about the people and places. He tells us why it matters but knows it doesn't matter too much.".

THE NEVILLE CARDUS ARCHIVE at Emirates Old Trafford Cricket Ground
Patrons: Elizabeth Grice, Michael Henderson, Christopher Brookes, Duncan Hamilton, Christopher O'Brien, Gideon Haigh, John McIlwaine.
Archivists: Rev. Malcolm G Lorimer (Email & Bob Hilton (Email

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