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Publishing Farokh's Book


Publishing Farokh's book, Farokh-The Cricketing Cavalier, has been a very entertaining experience, as Malcolm Lorimer explains in his regular blog.


A trip to Hull in March to speak to the East Riding Cricket Society resulted in a very enthralling evening.

We went to friend of Farokh's, an Indian doctor who had invited friends round for drinks and food. It proved to be a very convivial time with a good group of cricket loving doctors. Farokh went round the room asking what they did. We had surgeons, orthopedic, anesthetists, G.P's, plus two consultants and a knee specialist. Farokh concluded he would be alright in their hands if he was taken ill. We didn't have a gynaecologist but we would manage!

Over 70 cricket fans then packed into the small bar in Cottingham and it was a lively evening with Farokh's jokes and the lively questions. I am getting a bit fed up with the one about Geoffrey Boycott and the horse but the crowd loved it. The jokes kept coming and it was a bit like an evening with the late Ken Dodd!

We finished after 10pm and after the farewells we were back on the road. The M62 was closed and we had to cope with diversions onto the side roads. Not even a stop by the police at midnight, didn't spoil the evening. We arrived back at Farokh's at 1am tired but having enjoyed a great evening.



Many meetings around Farokh's breakfast table with Farokh, the author, Colin Evans and myself took place before, finally, the book was agreed and checked, and we could send it to the printers – In India!

What Colin and I had not counted on was Farokh going on holiday to India and turning up at the printers! I then endured a few days of frantic phone calls from both Farokh and the printer about changing some of the photos.

At last we had agreement. It was a frenetic time – I am sure other publishers don't have this problem!

Then I had an e-mail saying the books have arrived at the docks in Felixstowe. The only problem was getting them through customs! I was on holiday in the Outer Hebrides and we wondered if Customs would impound them? Thankfully, Ken Grime came to the rescue and the books arrived safe and sound.



One of the delights of going to an Indian Restaurant with Farokh is that you realise you are in the presence of royalty! The waiters hurry around him like bees as he pronounces his orders. Not just mentioning dishes but also how they should be cooked!

My experience of Indian restaurants is pointing at a number on a takeaway menu. Not Farokh! Even dishes not on the menu are ordered and woe betide the poor chef if they are not cooked to Farokh's specification.

This experience was at the opening of an excellent new Indian restaurant, the Koh-in-Noor in Northenden. Farokh at the end of the evening asked for the chef to come and take a bow. A beaming chef appeared from the depths of the kitchen to take a round of applause for the delicious fare and win Farokh's approval.



It was a long day setting out at 7am to pick up Farokh for the trip to Bath Cricket Club and the Cricket Society talk. The drive was entertaining with Farokh telling his stories and we soon arrived in Bath for a lunch with the treasurer and-an unexpected delight-Christina Pierce the artist who had produced the painting for the front cover of Farokh's book.

Stephen Chalke was interviewing Farokh which was always going to be an uphill task. Farokh kept going off tangent to tell his stories which had the audience enthralled. When Stephen produced some scorecards of his achievements Farokh batted them away – "I want to tell it my way," he said!

References to his meetings with the great G.Boycott got the cricket followers in raptures. After ninety minutes Farokh was thanked with a great round of applause and many said it was one of the best meetings they had attended.

Malcolm Lorimer

To read an extract from the book click here

Published on 12 November 2017.
Softback Cover with a painting of Farokh by renowned artist Christina Pierce.
208 pages plus 32 pages of photographs.
All orders will receive copies signed by Farokh Engineer.
Dedication – if you would like Farokh to include a dedication in the front of the book, please read the details below when purchasing.

Price £12.50 inc. postage per book (UK postal addresses* only). (Normal price is £12.99).
Special Offer-buy 2 copies for £22.00 inc. postage (UK postal addresses* only).


To order ONE signed copy of the book:
1. By post: Send a cheque for £12.50 made payable to Max Books to: Max Books, Epworth House, 34 Wellington Road, Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 7BX.

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Dedication – if you would like Farokh to include a dedication in the front of the book, please e-mail your dedication to:
(To help avoid any confusion, please include your name and address in the e-mail)

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1. By post: Send a cheque for £22.00 made payable to Max Books to: Max Books, Epworth House, 34 Wellington Road, Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 7BX.

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Dedication- if you would like Farokh to include a dedication in the either or both of these books, please e-mail your dedication(s) labelling them dedication 1 & dedication 2 to:
(To help avoid any confusion, please include your name and address in the e-mail).

Limited edition prints of the painting used on the book cover by Christina Pierce signed by both Christina & Farokh are available:-

Limited edition of 50-A4 size: £7.50 each -post free (UK addresses).

Limited edition of 50-A3 size: £10.00 each -post free (UK addresses).

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